Having a baby is an enriching and fulfilling experience, though it's not without its occasional challenges. Sometimes a child may be born with a birth defect of some kind. One such birth defect that affects male babies is hypospadias, and thankfully it is relatively easy to treat and correct at an early age.
In addition to diagnosing and treating male fertility, Dr. Larry Lipshultz has helped parents in the greater Houston area deal with this treatable problem. Let's go over the basics right now.
About Hypospadias
Hypospadias is a type of condition in which the opening of the urethra is located on the underside of the penis rather than the tip of the penis. This means that urine will pass through the body and exit the urethra at a much different angle than is traditional.
If the condition goes untreated through infancy, it can lead to issues with potty training. Should the condition continue into adulthood, hypospadias can cause issues with achieving or sustaining an erection.
What Causes Hypospadias?
Hypospadias is present at the birth of a child, which means that it is a congenital issue. There is no exact cause that has been identified for this condition, though it's related to hormone issues while a male fetus is developing the urethra and foreskin. The condition is sometimes associated with undescended testicles.
Since hypospadias is congenital, a family history of the condition means that your baby will be more likely to experience it. In addition, it's been suggested that the condition is more likely in women who have children after the age of 40. Some research has noticed correlations between chemical exposure and hypospadias, though this connection has yet to be proven.
Degrees of the Condition
Hypospadias is noticeable from birth, and there are different degrees of it. In some cases, the urethra is located under the tip of the penis. In other cases, the urethra may be located along the shaft or at the base of the penis. In still other cases, the urethra may be located near the perineum.
No matter what the case may be, the ideal treatment option for hypospadias is surgery at an early age. It's ideal for the surgery to be performed when a baby is between 3 months to 18 months old.
Surgical Treatment Options for Hypospadias
Surgery for hypospadias will involve repositioning the urethra's opening and possibly straightening the shaft of the patient's penis. This will typically involve the use of skin grafts to reconstruct the patient's urinary channel, placing it in the proper position.
The surgery will roughly take between one to three hours with the child under general anesthesia. In the vast majority of cases, the treatment can be completed in just a single surgery.
During a consultation, we will be able to go over the surgical procedure as well as the risks and benefits of hypospadias surgery. Since the patient is very young, we feel this discussion of the surgery with the parent/parents is the best way to ensure good results and as little worry as possible.
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Larry Lipshultz
To learn more about your treatment options for serious health issues, it's important that you contact our men's health center today. Dr. Larry Lipshultz will help you make the best choices when it comes to enhancing your health and wellness.