Pastuszak et al.
Table 2.
Individual Correlates (
= 258).
Health Knowledge
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) could be prevented through the use of condoms
213 (82.6)
It is possible that persons are HIV positive without showing any symptoms
241 (94.1)
When a woman has sexual intercourse, almost all sperm die inside her body after about 6 hours
195 (76.5)
Even if the man pulls out before he ejaculates (even if ejaculation occurs outside of the woman’s body), it is still possible for the woman
to become pregnant
220 (84.9)
Women cannot get pregnant while on their period
185 (73.1)
In general, a woman is most likely to get pregnant if she has sex during her period, as compared with other times of the month
125 (50.2)
HIV is passed via blood, semen, and vaginal fluids
224 (95.3)
Condoms can be stored for more than 3 years without decreasing their protective ability
169 (66.5)
Sexual Risk Behaviors
Have you engaged in sexual intercourse (penis–vagina penetration in the past 3 months?
216 (83.7)
Have you engaged in oral sex in the past 3 months?
183 (70.7)
Have you engaged in anal intercourse in the past 3 months?
53 (20.6)
Did you or your partner use any method of birth control the most recent time you had sexual intercourse?
97 (37.7)
In the past year, were you told that you had an STI?
57 (22.4)
In the past year, were you told that you had an HIV infection or AIDS?
10 (3.9)
Perception of Personal HIV/AIDS and STI Risk
What do you think your chances are of getting HIV/AIDS?
Very high
59 (22.3)
63 (23.9)
85 (32.2)
Very low
30 (11.4)
No chance
17 (6.4)
What do you think your chances are of getting an STI such as gonorrhea or genital herpes?
Very high
35 (13.3)
53 (20.1)
106 (40.2)
Very low
36 (13.6)
No chance
24 (9.1)
Sexual Partnering
If you’ve ever engaged in vaginal, anal, or oral sex, what is your partner preference?
41 (15.9)
196 (76.0)
7 (2.7)
Mental Health
Generally, you have a
good opinion of yourself
You think that you have a
body that is pleasant to look at
In the past 2 weeks, how often
have you been feeling low in
energy, slowed down?
In the past 2 weeks, how
often have you been
feeling blue or down?
None or little of the time
12 (4.8)
16 (6.4)
113 (45.6)
131 (53.5)
Some of the time
27 (10.8)
62 (24.9)
106 (42.7)
86 (35.1)
Most of the time
89 (35.5)
86 (34.5)
16 (6.5)
16 (6.5)
All of the time
123 (49.0)
85 (34.1)
13 (5.2)
12 (4.9)
Urology Health
Have you heard that men can get testicular cancer?
170 (67.7)
If so, how did you hear about testicular cancer? (Mark all that apply)
Personal reading
88 (51.8)
Professional experience
40 (23.5)
Friend/relative with testicular cancer
31 (18.2)
Have you ever been shown how to perform a testicular self-examination?
83 (33.5)
Do you currently have regular/annual physical exams with a doctor including examination of your private parts?
72 (28.7)
Have you heard of vasectomy as a form of permanent birth control?
92 (36.4)
Would you consider having a vasectomy performed after you are done having children?
56 (22.0)
Do you currently examine your testicles regularly? If so, how often?
Do not perform testicular self-examination
97 (39.0)
One time per week
60 (24.1)
Occasionally, but not at regular intervals
54 (21.7)
at UCSF LIBRARY & CKM on February 12, 2016
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